Friday 8 March 2013

Final MAJOR Project

So I'm going to start by saying why I choose to do my FMP on 90s fashion and pop culture, I think it's only right that I should give you some sort of explanation!

When given a long list of themes, words and phrases in order to spark off ideas I panicked. 'Sid and Nancy' was one? 'Death' another. These are so not me I thought. I wanted to do something fun, something that when I said it everyone would have something to say, something trashy and embarrassing, something like, the 90s! 
To me the 90s has always been a questionable one when its comes to fashion. Some would even go as far to say that the 90s wasn't even in fashion, I found that fascinating. When looking deeper into the pop culture at the time my mind was set. I don't wanna be parading around in black for 8 weeks studying coffins and what not. I want to be dancing around to Mc Hammer in leggings and a crop top!
When looking back I also felt a great sense of nostalgia. 'OMG I remember these', 'God how awful were they?!' (many of the phases I was coming out with). I knew from the start that this was going to be a project I could completely sink my teeth into. And thats when I came up with 'A Neon Nightmare'!

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